
Posts Tagged ‘Come Wake Me Up’

Rascal Flatts-Come Wake Me Up


When I was younger, Rascal Flatts was my favorite musical act. Ever since their “Still Feels Good” album, I’ve been more keen to turn the radio off when they come on rather than listen and sing out loud like I used to, with the exception of three songs. Their newest single (“Come Wake Me Up”) off their eighth studio album, “Changed,” is one that I will surely turn up loud.

The song begins with a sad piano intro, where Gary Levox hasn’t sounded better since “Here Comes Goodbye” and before that, “Every Day.” He sings of his failed attempts to get his ex-lover off his mind: “I can usually drink you right off of my mind/ But I miss you tonight/ I can normally push you right out of my heart/ But I’m too tired to fight.” The music picks up slightly for the next part of the verse before Jay DeMarcus and Joe Don Rooney join him on a full chorus, where their harmonies remind us of why Rascal Flatts have survived in the music business for nearly thirteen years.

LeVox again shows in the second verse why he is one of the most talented male singers in any genre, while he sings about one last failed attempt to block out his ex-lover’s memory before wondering what she’s doing. His two band mates give a perfectly harmonizing “ooo” and “aah” in the right places that strengthen the already top-notch performance from LeVox.

The bridge is where LeVox shines-if it’s possible for him to give a better vocal than in the first verse-and he throws himself completely into the place of the man who wants to feel his lover again: “Baby, this pain is worse than it ever was/ I know that you can’t hear me/ But baby I need you to save me tonight.” We feel his pain and wish his ex-lover would listen to him, though we sadly know that won’t be the outcome.

The song scores on emotional, instrumental, lyrical, and vocal levels. It’s been a long time since a Flatts’ song has hit me like this song has, and a long time since a country song in general has impressed me in the same way that this song does.

Highlights: LeVox’s vocals throughout. The brilliant lyrics help create lasting images and a heartbreaking scenario in our minds. The simple piano intro and outro.

5/5 stars
